You are interested in visiting a theatre while your trip to San Antonio. We’ve put together some of the best places and most attended ones of the city. They host important art performances and some of them very loved and waited ones. Of course, you may take a look to the ticket charts so you may choose what you want to enjoy seeing.
Majestic Theatre
Built in 1929, a national landmark in the middle of downtown, a truly treasure for San Antonio. It is the house for Broadway series, touring concerts, kids’ theatre, many live events and comedy features. In the interior in counts 3 balconies that have seat for around 2,311 audience; design is inspired in Spanish Mediterranean architecture. Important facts: first movie presented was Movietone Follies, President George Bush held his Presidential State Dinner in 1992 for International Drug Summit.
The Aztec Theatre
Established in 1926, the top entertainment and event venue, a treasured architectural landmark of the Alamo city. The design firm Meyer & Holler, made a hybrid of Aztec and American styles, dubbed as a Mesoamerican artwork to cultural masterpiece combination.

Tobin Center for the Performing Arts
Municipal Auditorium renovated for live art performances venue with more that 1700 seats for audience. The theatre is located at the edge of River Center, almost every event is hosted by the venue, very loved and endearing to the community because of the precious performances it hosts.

Arneson River Theatre
Constructed between 1938 and 1940 possible with WPA funds, situated within the Riverwalk. Important facts of hosting: Summer Plays like Fiesta Noche del Rio, also the beauty of the venue makes it attractive place to host a wedding.

Woodlawn Theatre
John Eberson designed the place because of his experience with theatre and palace designs, opened since 1945. Unfortunately, because of the many owners it got deteriorated, so in 2006 it was renovated. Broadway shows have been held in this venue, six Mainstage musicals produced, traditional show of Anything Goes and Hello, best part is all performances have a live orchestra.

You love art as much as we do, then you should take a look to these places. Get some tickets and enjoy the treasure of music and art in live performances.